When on a Distant Journeys’ escorted tour, it’s not just about visiting the well-known sights – we want to immerse you in local cultures and share with you wonderful experiences that make lasting memories.

One of the best ways to truly get to know a destination is to discover local food and traditions. This way you will experience an authentic and genuine perspective of the countries you’ve chosen to explore, and gain a deeper understanding of the place, its people and their way of life.

We also offer unforgettable culinary experiences, from dining under the stars in the African bush to al fresco feasts whilst cruising Sydney’s harbour; or awakening your palate in the dark on a sensory journey like no other in Vietnam.

We hope you enjoy reading more about some of the foodie experiences you can expect on one of our award-winning tours.

Eating like a Local

Indian spices

If you choose to visit India – a vast, vibrant and historic country; take the special and privileged opportunity to dine with a local family in the ‘Pink City’ of Jaipur, capital of Rajasthan. Enjoy the unique delight of a cookery demonstration and an exclusive insight into Rajasthani family life with dinner at a family home. In addition to this, inhale the enticing aromas and spices on a culinary walking tour of Old Delhi, and taste authentic ‘Dilli’ Street Food. Both of these experiences are available on a number of our India tours.


mekong river market

When travelling with us to Vietnam & Cambodia, you will encounter the magnificent sights of the Mekong River. Travel through the mystical waterways by sampan amidst the mangroves and bamboo forests to Ben Tre, known for its fruit orchards. Arrive at a local village which specialises in rice wine, known as “Ruou gao” in Vietnam or “Sombai” in Cambodia. You will learn how these specialities are made and try them for yourselves!

Artisanal Afternoons

sushi in Japan

On our Very Best of Japan tour we have multiple culinary experiences to introduce you to new tastes and flavours that you may not have experienced before. Visit local restaurants during the trip and learn how to make buckwheat noodles or master the art of Japanese sushi making. Additionally, whilst in Hiroshima, there is an opportunity to visit a local Okonomiyaki restaurant. Okonomiyaki, the Japanese delicacy, is a frittata-like pancake enjoyed year-round, blending flavours of sweet, savoury, spicy and smoky. Tanoshimu (enjoy)!


Exotic Evenings

We don’t just make the most of the days on our tours, the evenings are an important part of your immersive experience. During our Very Best of South Africa tour you have the opportunity to ‘Dine Under The Stars’ during a traditional bush experience, next to a roaring fire at the hotel’s boma (traditional outdoor enclosure which is a common feature in safari lodges and game reserves).

Magnificent Memories

sydney lunch cruise

Make some magnificent and everlasting memories whilst in Sydney “The City of Sails”, in Australia. Known for its picturesque harbour and iconic landmarks, we will enjoy incredible vistas of the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge on a lunch cruise.

In Japan, you have the opportunity to enjoy a traditional Japanese meal, a Kaiseki, whilst being entertained by a maiko (apprentice geisha), an experience truly like no other. A Kaiseki is a traditional multi-course dinner, which may include dishes such as a sakizuke (appetiser), mukozuke (a course featuring sashimi or sushi), takiawase (a simmered dish featuring vegetables and seafood), yakimono (grilled meat dish), hanmono (rice served with miso soup), or mizumono (a dessert course).


Fine Dining On-Board

Rovos Rail dining experience

Family-run Rovos Rail, dubbed ‘The Most Luxurious Train in the World’, has operated rail journeys through some of South Africa’s most stunning scenery. Today, as you step aboard the beautifully restored vintage wood-panelled coaches, experience discreet and friendly service; delicious food and a selection of South Africa’s finest wines. An enthusiastic team of chefs take great pride in ensuring guests’ every need is catered for, with an emphasis on fresh local ingredients and traditional speciality dishes as well as international favourites.

Also in South Africa, The Blue Train has been synonymous with luxury and hospitality since 1946. Its distinct sapphire-blue carriages streak through spectacular scenery, and dinner is a feast for all the senses, the tables in the Dining Car laid with crisp Irish linen and twinkling crystal glassware.

Both the Blue Train and Rovos Rail in South Africa operate a fine dining experience and encourage dressing up for dinner, serving first class dinner paired with fine Cape Wines. If you choose our African Rail Adventure, you will be on Rovos Rail throughout your travels (11 out of 14 nights!).